
Before John D. Rockefeller exercised his power and influence over the American medical system, we had a natural and holistic approach to treating and supplementing our lifestyle. When the Rockefeller funded "Flexner Report" was introduced to Congress, things would never be the same. A new system of singular style medicine came to dominate the Western world and medical culture of the 20th century. Today in U.S. medical schools, an average of 21 hours of all training is spent on nutrition. The pharmaceutical solution to most modern ailments is a pill. The U.S. and New Zealand are the only countries where drug makers are allowed to market prescription drugs directly to consumers. From the opioid crisis, unnatural dyes in our food and the recent craz with ozempic, Americans are facing a real health dilemma in how we analyze, diagnose and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The gatekeeper trio of Big-Food, Big-Pharma and the FDA have created a highly regulated system built for profits. Many Americans are suffering from chronic pain and dangerous opioids are the only solution offered in most cases. Clint Winters saw firsthand the destructive nature of opiates after his mom was diagnosed with cancer and became dependent on morphine. As a medical scientist, Clint went on a mission to find a natural solution to chronic pain that provided relief without the destructive and addictive elements. That is when Clint discovered something Big--Pharma already knew about but would not talk about. Conolidine has 14 years of research to support it as an all natural solution as powerful as morphine without side effects and risk of addiction. Conolidine is an all natural alkaloid that recharges the natural endorphin system in our brain allowing the body to properly alleviate pain. Clint and GDR labs is an American company and GDR is the only place to get Conolidine. For watchers and listeners of the Sean Spicer Show we have a very special offer for you today at the link below!